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It’s nearly impossible to navigate the world without social media magazines in 2022.   In addition, social media platforms are widely accepted as one of the best ways to advertise to consumers. However, one of the challenges of social media advertising is that it is entirely different from traditional advertising. There is a lot of change in social media services, and many companies do not openly reveal their algorithms. Keeping up with social media trends is therefore essential for businesses. In order to reach as many people as possible, companies must analyze the market and pick up new strategies on a regular basis.

Here are the Best Social Media Magazines to Read in 2022!


It is very likely that you have heard of Hootsuite if your company automates social media postings. Known for its main application that allows users to schedule and tailor social media posts, the company also has an active blog section. Regardless of which social media posting service you use, Hootsuite can help you optimize your results.

Scheduling social media posts adds another layer of complexity to marketing strategies, so it’s vital to know how to do it properly. Here you can learn when to post or what days of the week are best for posting.

Convince and Convert

Known for his profound insights into social media marketing strategies, Jay Baer is one of the top experts in the field. The blog Convince and Convert focuses on just that, with Baer and his team providing valuable insight every day. Convince and Convert’s blog format allows it to create how-to guides and link specific plug-ins to a given post.

Due to this, it is a great place to learn how to implement strategies in your own business. You can learn a lot from this site if you’re just starting out in the field of social media marketing.


Businesses looking for new marketing strategies should consider the publications on this list. Suppose you’ve already invested time and resources into your marketing, but still don’t see the results you expect.

With Kissmetrics, marketers can input their own data and compare it to a constantly updated database of industry trends. Making sure that their message is heard requires businesses to be able to analyze their own analytics.

Socially Sorted

It is imperative that you have a strong grasp of graphic design in order to succeed at social media advertising. Since most social media campaigns are engaged while scrolling feeds, your advertisement must catch someone’s eye within just a few seconds!

You’ll be able to quickly design engaging and memorable advertisements with Socially Sorted’s numerous articles on effective design and presentation.

Social Media Lab

Social Media Lab is unique in that it does not report on industry trends. Rather, it invests $15,000 a month in experimenting to develop its own trends. Social Media Magazines conducts experiments on most major social media sites, so you won’t learn irrelevant information.

There is a feature on the blog that allows you to select which social media platform you want to see studies about. In addition, you can adjust whether your marketing team wants to look at organic or paid strategies.


Understanding all of the industry’s major trends is essential to being efficient with social media marketing. The graphs on MarketingProfs give an overview of the whole field in a concise manner. However, MarketingProfs isn’t the perfect website to read on its own.

Due to its general nature, it often works best when paired with a more specialized blog. On the other hand, this is a great website for statistics about social media marketing as a whole.

Business Insider

It doesn’t matter what your company’s specialty is, Business Insider offers something for everyone. In recent years, Business Insider has caught up to the social media trend, and currently offers a significant amount of information about it. The BI Intelligence section of the website is great for companies that want to focus on specific data sets.

You can learn what other companies are doing that works by using BI Intelligence’s in-depth analyses. As a result of BI Intelligence, you will not only learn about strategies within your field but also about adjacent fields that may still benefit you.

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